
Dalton’s Banjo Camp Wrap-Up

Hello, everybody! I just wanted to let you know that the Murphy Method Banjo Camp went great, along with the concerts both nights, and now all the happy campers are headed home. But the most important part of the camp, of course, was me, and how Granddaddy Red and I played for three days. We played inside and outside. We played upstairs, downstairs, and down in the kitchen.*

We played in the TV room too, and while we were there I climbed up on the coffee table. Well, I am almost 14 months old, and I should be able to climb onto the coffee table if I want to. Granddaddy did not say, “Dalton, don’t climb on the coffee table,” so I did. As Granddaddy’s friend Clermont says, it is easier to get forgiveness than permission.

The only trouble was, that after I got up on the table, I couldn’t figure out how to get down.

…but after a while, Granddaddy helped me.

We had a lot of fun at lunch on Saturday. I was having a good meal of baby applesauce, sweet potatoes, and peas, along with some apple cider to drink, when I thought I’d reach over from my high chair and grab the tablecloth, and see how far I could lift it up. It worked great. The jar of apple cider fell and spilled all over the floor! Granddaddy ran and got some dishtowels to clean up the cider with, and used lots of new words while he mopped it. I know he must have made up the words right then, because I had not heard any of them before.

I was going to write some of his new words in this story, but I realized that I cannot spell any words. So they will just have to wait for another time. But it was very funny!

Best regards,

Dalton Henry

(*An obscure bluegrass song reference.)

3 thoughts on “Dalton’s Banjo Camp Wrap-Up

  1. Thanks for the post Dalton and as for your Granddad,

    All he needs to keep him happy
    Is a redhaired little boy to call him Grandpappy.


  2. Dalton thanks for sharing your grandmother and mother with us campers for three days. We had a great time and hopefully can remember part of what we were taught. I am glad you and your granddad had a fun time, as all of us campers did.


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