banjo · By Casey · lessons

Custom Lesson Update

Casey Henry

It has been so long since I’ve posted a Custom Lesson update that I have a TON of new songs to add to the list. It’s much harder for me to find the time to record these lessons during the summer since I’m away from home so much, but I still think this is a pretty respectable list for two months of work. All of these can be ordered from my website.

(The complete list can be seen here.)

Here’s a funny custom lesson story. The wife of one of my semi-regular students ordered him a couple of custom lessons for his birthday. One of these lessons was “Jerusalem Ridge,” which is a really hard, really long tune. I burned the lessons to a disc, sent them off and thought no more about it. A couple weeks later Clay emails me to say:

“You must have sent me an unedited version because about 2 minutes into the lesson you lost your place, muttered something evil sounding, and ….well, you should watch it for yourself!  I’m still laughing hysterically – even made Cindy come upstairs to see this.”

So I went back and watched the lesson and when I was playing the song through slowly I mess up and practically growl at the camera, then give myself a countdown and start over. Whoops! That certainly wasn’t supposed to end up in the final version!

I wrote Clay back and said “Oh My Gosh!! I can’t believe that I let that slip in there. And furthermore I can’t believe that the person I recorded it for didn’t tell me about that!! I’m just glad it wasn’t a long string of profanity, which I’m sure it would have been by the end of that particular very long lesson.”

I think over all the lessons I’ve recorded that’s the only outtake that has made it in by mistake…at least the only one that I know of at the moment! (I’ve edited it out now, so don’t be thinking you can order the lesson and see it!)

5 thoughts on “Custom Lesson Update

  1. Technically it’s more like three-of-a-kind, because at least one other person ordered it, in addition to the original student… Does the fact that they never told me about the mistake mean they’ve never watched the lesson? Hmmmm, I wonder?


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