By Red · DVDs · jamming · Practice

Picky, Picky, Picky

Red Henry
It looks as if this is a good week to talk about picking. That was a really good session Murphy had up in Martinsburg. And now I have a couple of old-time jams scheduled for the next two nights, both within 45 minutes of the house.

As Murphy has suggested over and over on our videos, one of the best things you can do, to help you learn to play, is to get out and play with other people. There is really nothing like it. Once you progress to the point where you can at least stand at the back of the group and play rhythm or vamp, you’re in for a lot of great practice that’s easy and fun. And it really doesn’t matter what exact kind of music the session is playing. They may play bluegrass, or they may play older country music. They may play gospel music or folk music, or they may play music that’s all over the place. Or, they may play traditional (old-time) music, like my two sessions this weekend. Whatever they’re playing, it’s still a great place to learn.

Now, I have heard it said that “There’s bluegrass everywhere.” Well, I admit that there is bluegrass in a lot of places, but it’s definitely not everywhere. I once spent a year at an Air Force base near Del Rio, Texas, and that whole year I never found anybody to pick with within a three-hour drive. It took a lot of energy to practice that year. I REALLY wish something had been available then like our Slow Jam with Murphy and Casey or Picking Up the Pace DVDs. If you’re in a situation like that (or even if you aren’t), consider those slow-jam DVDs, because they’re easy to pick with and you can use them anywhere.

I’m off to pick, and I hope you are too. Give my regards to Broadway!


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